Perilous Journey

Historical Contracts

These contracts have been deprecated and should not be used. They are listed here for data analysis and tracking purposes only.




Perilous Journey (Crystalvale)




interface IJourney {

    event HeroClaimed(address indexed player, uint256 heroId, uint256 submissionId, uint256 indexed groupId, bool isGenZero, bool addedSurvivalChance, bool indexed heroSurvived, uint16 heroLevel, uint256 crystalAmount, uint256 jewelAmount);
    event HeroSubmitted(address indexed player, uint256 heroId, uint256 submissionId, uint256 groupId, bool isGenZero, bool submittedWithGenZero);
    event JourneyReward(uint256 indexed heroId, address indexed player, address rewardItem, uint256 itemQuantity);
    event StatUp(address indexed player, uint256 indexed heroId, uint256 stat, uint8 increase, uint8 updateType);
    function applySurvivalStatBonus(uint256 _heroId, uint8 stat1, uint8 stat2, uint8 stat3);
    function assistingAuction() view returns (address);
    function cancelSubmission(uint256 _heroId);
    function claimEnd() view returns (uint64);
    function claimHero(uint256 _heroId);
    function claimHeroes(uint256[] _heroes);
    function claimStart() view returns (uint64);
    function crystals(uint256) view returns (address);
    function flagStorage() view returns (address);
    function getHeroSubmission(uint256 _heroId) view returns (tuple(uint256 id, address owner, uint256 groupId, uint256 heroId, uint256 startBlock, bool addedSurvivalChance));
    function getSubmission(uint256 _id) view returns (tuple(uint256 id, address owner, uint256 groupId, uint256 heroId, uint256 startBlock, bool addedSurvivalChance));
    function getUserSubmissions(address _address) view returns (tuple(uint256 id, address owner, uint256 groupId, uint256 heroId, uint256 startBlock, bool addedSurvivalChance)[]);
    function graveyard() view returns (address);
    function heroCore() view returns (address);
    function heroToSubmission(uint256) view returns (uint256);
    function paused() view returns (bool);
    function profileUserSubmissions(address, uint256) view returns (uint256 id, address owner, uint256 groupId, uint256 heroId, uint256 startBlock, bool addedSurvivalChance);
    function questFund() view returns (address);
    function runes(uint256) view returns (address);
    function statBonusEnd() view returns (uint64);
    function stones(uint256) view returns (address);
    function submissionEnd() view returns (uint64);
    function submissionStart() view returns (uint64);
    function submitHeroes(uint256[] _heroIds);
    function submitHeroesWithGenZero(uint256 genZeroId, uint256[] _heroIds);


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