
The Graveyard should only be used by community members for READ operations. Burying heroes is an ACCESS_CONTROL operation. Sending heroes to this address through a general transfer function will leave the Hero locked in the contract but will not set the correct data parameters to be viewed in the in-game graveyard.



DFK Chain


interface IGraveyard {

    event DeathRecorded(uint256 heroId, string indexed deathReason, uint256 deathTime);
    function buryHero(address _holder, uint256 _heroId, string _deathReason, address _previousOwner);
    function deadHeroes(uint256) view returns (uint256 id, uint256 heroId, uint64 deathTime, string deathReason, address previousOwner);
    function getDeadHero(uint256 _heroId) view returns (tuple(uint256 id, uint256 heroId, uint64 deathTime, string deathReason, address previousOwner));
    function getDeadHeroes() view returns (tuple(uint256 id, uint256 heroId, uint64 deathTime, string deathReason, address previousOwner)[]);
    function getProfileDeadHero(address _profile, uint256 _index) view returns (tuple(uint256 id, uint256 heroId, uint64 deathTime, string deathReason, address previousOwner));
    function getProfileDeadHeroes(address _profile) view returns (tuple(uint256 id, uint256 heroId, uint64 deathTime, string deathReason, address previousOwner)[]);
    function heroCore() view returns (address);
    function heroToDeadHero(uint256) view returns (uint256);
    function profileDeadHeroes(address, uint256) view returns (uint256 id, uint256 heroId, uint64 deathTime, string deathReason, address previousOwner);


Historical Contracts

These contracts have been deprecated and should not be used. They are listed here for data analysis and tracking purposes only.



Last updated