The numeric ID defining the armor type (e.g. 1 = Light Armor, etc.)
Defines the item's base appearance
The base P.DEF of the armor
The scalar value for rawPhysDefense (two-decimal precision multiplier, e.g. 5 = 0.05x)
The maximum value that can be obtained from the Hero's END * physDefScalar
The base M.DEF of the armor
The scalar value for rawMagicDefense (two-decimal precision multiplier, e.g. 5 = 0.05x)
The maximum value that can be obtained from the Hero's WIS * magicDefScalar
The base evasion percent granted by the armor. Two-decimal precision with range of -327.67% to 327.67%.
Conversion logic is: (1 - 2 * floor(evasion / 32768)) * (evasion % 32768).
The number of times the item's remainingRepairs have been restored
Currently unused
Currently unused
Currently unused
Currently unused
enum ArmorType {
Armor Type
Usable By
All Classes
All Visages are considered Light Armor, and can by used by any class, regardless of what type of Armor that Hero may be wearing.
Armor Details
The armor details correspond to a two-layer mapping by armorType and displayId. Most base data can be found on-chain or through the API. Mappings for additional string data are as follows:
"1": {
"1": {
"name": "Feather Duster",
"description": "A lightweight armor fashioned from the feathers of a ravenous and cunning rocboc."
"2": {
"name": "Hempen Jacket",
"description": "Light and breathable. The bare minimum to protect you from the elements."
"3": {
"name": "Reinforced Toga",
"description": "A fashionable toga reinforced with bronze studs in key locations."
"4": {
"name": "Squire's Light Armor",
"description": "Layered comfortable garments that are great for adventures or a night on the town."
"5": {
"name": "Rags of the Nameless",
"description": "A pile of discolored and frayed wrappings worn by the acolytes of the Nameless God."
"6": {
"name": "Abyssal Tunic",
"description": "A light tunic interwoven with Submersian Coral."
"50000": {
"name": "Bloater Suit",
"description": "A fashionable fish fit that shows just the right amount of skin. Perfect camo against the realm's least threatening creature."
"50001": {
"name": "Karate Gi",
"description": "This elegant gi provides the comfort and flexibility to kick ass, take names, and get home in time for dinner. Popular amongst masters of Togwan Do."
"50002": {
"name": "Super Blub Defender: Red Suit",
"description": "A suit made by the Super Blub Defender (SBD) Fan Club. This one represents the Red Defender, who is known for his bravery, virtue, and mastery of Togwan-do."
"50003": {
"name": "Super Blub Defender: Pink Suit",
"description": "A suit made by the Super Blub Defender (SBD) Fan Club. This one represents the Pink Defender, who is known for her biting wit, nibbling charm, and chomping mastication."
"50004": {
"name": "Super Blub Defender: Blue Suit",
"description": "A suit made by the Super Blub Defender (SBD) Fan Club. This one represents the Blue Defender, who is known for his honesty, compassion, and excellent taste in music."
"50005": {
"name": "Super Blub Defender: Yellow Suit",
"description": "A suit made by the Super Blub Defender (SBD) Fan Club. This one represents the Yellow Defender, who is known for her lucky dodges, uncanny lunges, and otherwordly Bloater cakes."
"50006": {
"name": "Super Blub Defender: Black Suit",
"description": "A suit made by the Super Blub Defender (SBD) Fan Club. This one represents the Black Defender, who is known for his firm handshake, next-level stealth, and unprompted backflips."
"50007": {
"name": "Super Blub Defender: Green Suit",
"description": "A suit made by the Super Blub Defender (SBD) Fan Club. This one represents the Green Defender, who is known for his boastfulness, gambling acumen, and violently unfunny dad jokes."
"50008": {
"name": "Yellow Panther Suit",
"description": "The mysterious Yellow Panther Clan lives and fights in the shadows. Don their ceremonial armor and join the movement."
"50009": {
"name": "Chef Suit",
"description": "A chef should always be prepared for furious fighting or fierce fileting. This is the perfect outfit for adventures both in and out of the kitchen."
"50010": {
"name": "Dark Summoner Suit",
"description": "When they're not sacrificing Heroes in a nonstop stream of dark rituals that push Gaia further and further towards an inescapable corruption, the Dark Summoner is looking fit and fancy-free in this sleek jumper wrap."
"50011": {
"name": "Champion Gi",
"description": "This champion gi provides the comfort and flexibility to kick ass, take names, and get home in time for dinner. Popular amongst masters of Togwan Do."
"50012": {
"name": "Fishing Vest",
"description": "Brought to you by Tom Threads™, this dapper fishing vest is both fashionable and functional. It strikes fear in the hearts of bloaters everywhere."
"50013": {
"name": "Padded Archivist Tunic",
"description": "Stay comfortable and organized with this stylish archivist tunic, meticulously crafted with padded lining for extended wear. Complete the ensemble with a pair of vibrant green gloves that will make any archival task seem trivial."
"50014": {
"name": "Doug Hype Fur Coat",
"description": "Bring the hype with every step you take in these immaculate duds."
"50015": {
"name": "Foraging Raiments",
"description": "Fashioned by Druids and beloved by outdoorsmen, these comfortable raiments truly embrace the elegance of the natural world."
"50016": {
"name": "Frost Bloater Suit",
"description": "Cold as ice and twice as nice, this frozen fish fit channels the least threatening creature in the frozen tundras of Crystalvale."
"50017": {
"name": "Gardening Gear",
"description": "Don this tactical gardening gear to truly embody the qualities of a green thumb: patience, resolve, and the ability to squash errant blubs."
"50018": {
"name": "Axolotl Suit",
"description": "A musty Axolotl suit that has gained popularity amongst certain fringe groups. It is very... pink."
"50019": {
"name": "Metisian Toga",
"description": "This lightweight toga fashioned by the gods transforms its wearer into an agile and extremely comfortable warrior."
"50020": {
"name": "Hercules Muscle Suit",
"description": "Get the body you want without all the effort! This snug rubber muscle suit shows that you're not afraid of a little exercise, even if that exercise happens to be squeezing into a tight rubber muscle suit."
"50021": {
"name": "Miner's Overalls",
"description": "Don't even think about hiding these chic mining overalls underground! Show the surface world you mean business with a style they'll dig."
"50022": {
"name": "Fungal Frock",
"description": "Skip the damp and the dark with this stylish frock modeled after the bright plumage of the infamous manshroom."
"2": {
"1": {
"name": "Wishbone Breastplate",
"description": "A fine armor fashioned from the feathers of a ravenous rocboc and cured leather."
"2": {
"name": "Leather Jerkin",
"description": "A shabby leather vest with cloth accents for easy mobility."
"3": {
"name": "Leather Cingulum",
"description": "A thick leather belt with bronze studs and plates to protect vital organs."
"4": {
"name": "Squire's Medium Armor",
"description": "Studded leather armor that protects your body without slowing you down."
"5": {
"name": "Seawarden's Mail",
"description": "A gilded leather vest adorned with protective Submersian Coral."
"3": {
"1": {
"name": "Boc-Knight Mail",
"description": "Fashioned from the feathers and beak of a massive rocboc, this heavy armor allows its wearer to take a beating and keep on flapping."
"2": {
"name": "Tin Plate",
"description": "A shabby (and heavy) plate draped over your torso. It appears to flex as you poke it."
"3": {
"name": "Bronze Cuirass",
"description": "Bronze armor that is molded to look like you have abs. Easier than the gym."
"4": {
"name": "Squire's Heavy Armor",
"description": "Imposing iron armor to protect you on the battlefield."
"5": {
"name": "Armor of the Drowned",
"description": "A rusty heap of platemail with the left arm missing. It serves as a poignant reminder of the unforgiving perils of the sea."
"6": {
"name": "Coral Brigandine",
"description": "A golden breastplate covered in several layers of durable Submersian Coral."
Armor Bonuses
Armor Bonus descriptions correspond to the following mappings. The X in each mapping represents the corresponding bonusScalar value.
1: "Increase Block chance by +X%",
2: "Increase Spell Block chance by +X%",
3: "Increase Block damage reduction by X%",
4: "Increase Spell Block damage reduction by X%",
5: "Increase Physical Accuracy by +X%",
6: "Increase Magical Accuracy by +X%",
7: "Increase Speed by X%",
8: "Increase Evasion by X%",
9: "Increase Status Effect Resistance by +X%",
10: "Increase Banish Resistance by +X%",
11: "Increase Bleed Resistance by +X%",
12: "Increase Blind Resistance by +X%",
13: "Increase Burn Resistance by +X%",
14: "Increase Chill Resistance by +X%",
15: "Increase Confuse Resistance by +X%",
16: "Increase Daze Resistance by +X%",
17: "Increase Disarm Resistance by +X%",
18: "Increase Fear Resistance by +X%",
19: "Increase Intimidate Resistance by +X%",
20: "Increase Poison Resistance by +X%",
21: "Increase Pull Resistance by +X%",
22: "Increase Push Resistance by +X%",
23: "Increase Silence Resistance by +X%",
24: "Increase Sleep Resistance by +X%",
25: "Increase Slow Resistance by +X%",
26: "Increase Stun Resistance by +X%",
27: "Increase Taunt Resistance by +X%",
28: "Increase Critical Hit Multiplier by +X",
29: "Increase Physical Defense by +X%",
30: "Increase Magical Defense by +X%",
31: "Decrease Physical Accuracy by -X%",
32: "Decrease Magical Accuracy by -X%",
33: "Increase Physical Damage by +X%",
34: "Increase Magical Damage by +X%",
35: "Gain +X% Riposte",
36: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X accessory.",
37: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X off-hand.",
38: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X 1H Sword.",
39: "Gain X% chance to Retaliate 1 upon receiving physical damage.",
40: "Gain X Initiative after each successful Block",
41: "Increase Recovery chance by +X%",
42: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X 2H Sword.",
43: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X 1H Axe.",
44: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X 2H Axe.",
45: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X 1H Mace.",
46: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X 2H Mace.",
47: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X 1H Spear.",
48: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X 2H Spear.",
49: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X Wand.",
50: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X Staff.",
51: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X Gloves.",
52: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X Bow.",
53: "Double the bonuses above this bonus when equipped with X Dagger.",
54: "Decrease Speed by X%",
55: "Decrease Healing Potency by X%",
56: "Critical Hits gain X% Lifesteal",
57: "Increase Critical Hit chance by +X%",
58: "Reduce Channeling times by X%"